For a while now, I’ve gone off beef. Not in any Hindu way, but just general dislike for it. Cubed, steak, stir fried… keep it away from me. I don’t mind it minced or sliced VERY FINELY but generally, was so over it.
Till last night! We had dinner at The Steakhouse at Clarke Quay (which isn’t the most premium steak place as I understand it) but for the first time, I actually enjoyed my steak. I had it medium well (my stipulation is no blood) and it was perfect. Melted in the mouth. I’m willing to give cow another go.
On a completely unrelated note, I’m recuperating from a vigorous night out (damn Faye and her Jager-bombs) and am watching Satisfaction. Not many people would know of this movie but I adore Trini Alvarado in this (she plays a drummer, come on!) I liked her as Meg in Little Women and went gaga for her in The Frighteners. Plus, the Batemans rock. I am really happy that Jason is getting play again – I think it’s time for Justine to jump into the fracas.
Another one of my favourite cutie actresses is Zooey Deschanel. Love her face and quirky acting.

Aah, beef. It always looks fantastic to me before it is cooked. I don’t crave for beef in curry, or rendang but give me a steak, medium rare. As long as it’s very pink, with juices (but no blood), yeah!! I am glad to hear you’ve crossed over.