Quite a couple of things going on in this one – firstly, I would like to refer to an earlier post Of Designers and Art Directors and fine print that my beloved Weicong was never included in my description of anti-establishment designers.
I praise myself for having a salad today for lunch. I reproach myself for having a whole Crunchie bar after.

I am ridiculously excited that an old movie, Only You is on HBO. It stars Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. and is as hilarious now as it was before.
I was listening to Mary J. Blige’s “Just Fine“, basically to break the Aimee Mann playlist that has been plaguing me with pits of depression. So, I blasted Just Fine and danced around like a buffoon. It also got me thinking of what a nice cover “Growing Pains” is and so added a few more covers I like.

I love the way the J forms the B in her name – smart, simple typography.

I love that the title of the album is followed with, “by Modest Mouse” – it makes it seem more than just a music album, almost a narrative and a story. And once you get in it, it is just that. I love Modest Mouse and I love the clean typography on this album.
I have always loved Pearl Jam covers and experimental CD formats but this is one of my favourites cos it’s so random and came with this series of cards.

The Shins – I prefer this album to their others which had more a vector feel, which dated quickly. This one factors in a quirk value that definitely spans time.

Added: Ben Lee’s “Awake Is The New Sleep” – I love organic design; design that has been conceptualised and realised without the use of the computer.
Within this year, I have pushed ideas aside that would require tedious photography in favour of quick fixes as time is of the essence. Time always seems to be of the essence, how wonderful it would be when design is of the essence.