Call for change.

I am not one of those people who change their phones every month. I do not go gaga over new technology (I sit here, typing on my iBook G4, circa 2004) and only recently had to get an Ipod Classic because my 3rd generation died.

So, the move from my good ol’ pink Sony Ericsson has not gone down well. Under much peer pressure from my sister and the sales assistant on why my phone is ridiculously outdated, I exchanged it for the Samsung F480 or Tocco. (Bear in mind, I had to research it a few days later to find out its name, it was merely the pink Samsung to me).

samsungtoccoI was practically in tears walking away with this new phone and for the life of me, I have no clue why. I felt the same way when my iPod, Polly died but have since grown very fond of Polly Too – with its video that keeps me company on the train, God bless it. I get unusually attached to inanimate objects versus actual people.

So, here I am in the touch screen day and age, trying my best to come to grips that this is the way of the future – and I guess, I have to get used to it. I’m sure I will and eventually fall in love with it, but in the meantime, I’m transitioning.

So far, the biggest flaws are on the messaging interface – the “clear” button is next to the language button, so trying to delete something has led me to type in Bahasa. The “space” button is right above the “back” button – so I constantly have to cancel almost deleting the entire message.

The camera is 5 megapixels, which is impressive enough although the shutter speed is slightly slow at times so it’s not really click and go.

Other than that, it’s pink (which is always good for me). I know people may wonder why I, an Apple person, did not get an iPhone. I am an Apple elitist. I hate the entire mass bandwagon of Apple fans – the ones that get the iPod Touch or Nano, who started buying iMacs fresh from Windows and can barely use a Mac and now, get iPhones. I once sat next to a typical Uncle on the train, fiddling with his iPhone. As much as I’m glad that Apple is doing well – I like my Apple as a computer and storage/music player. That’s it.