Happy New Year, y’all!


Yes, I’m 5 days over due and yet, right on track to neglecting my blog. It’s not like the blog police are gonna get me. Anyway, sans the drama that went down on New Years Eve (what’s the welcoming of a new year without blood and tears, anyway?), it was fairly usual (drinking, laughing, dancing, club feet disease).

I received some lovely gifts over Christmas (vouchers make me happy) – although this year was non-stop and tiring. It made back to work that much harder. Today, is slow and sluggish. 

I have yet to scan in some stuff from my Hong Kong trip – should have brought a camera (that was my theme of 2008), but will do so tomorrow. We have a mighty fast new scanner at work so shall test it out. In the meantime, I’ll talk about Kanye.


808s and Heartbreak dropped in November 2008 and since then, Kanye has 2 simultaneous hits on the chart. But what I really love and admire about Kanye, is his blatant disregard for traditional rap and instead, his choice for bold forays into the electronic world. I loved his earlier albums (Two Words featuring Mos Def, started it for me) and of course, Gold Digger is a good dancing tune but when Stronger hit, his collaboration with Daft Punk really floored me. 2 completely unexpected artists working together to create a new wave of hip hop.

And now with 808s, you have Love Lockdown and Heartless (amazing, amazing songs) which are so fresh – more singing, more melodies, great drum beats (hey, the album is called 808s) and great videos to come with it. With the Love Lockdown video, I am completely feeling like Kanye is the new Björk. Yes, weird comparison I know – but you can completely feel a skewed vision and mentality coming off from the artist – as though you’re allowed a 5 minute glimpse into their twisted brain. Love it.

I can’t embed the video but the link is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4HrM8eKBZk

More hot guys.

I think I have an obsession. I’m supposed to be posting on my thoughts, work etc… and yet, I keep posting about hot guys. Or at least, guys I think are hot.


Simon Pegg. Loved him in Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and am looking forward to his upcoming movies (except the Star Trek one, I’ve never been a trekkie). Love an English accent and wry sense of humour. Sharp men are hot.


Caleb Followill. Frontman of Kings of Leon – I absolutely love how his voice and looks don’t mix. Sex is on Fire, indeed.


Mixed Bag v.2

I recently had a photoshoot to at Old School (which houses Timbre and yes, I’ll admit it, I have never been there before) but since it was my first time and I had a camera, I took a couple of shots of the name, which is really kinda cool. Side note: The cabbie that took me home asked if I was a teacher at the “Old School”.



I also wanted to add some pictures of the Bubby – 3 of her many “ear” looks.

Full Mast
Full Mast
Half Mast
Half Mast
Crinkly Ears
Crinkly Ears

Here’s a shot of her little feet, when she naps on the sofa, I have no idea why she needs to support herself like that:


Chihuahuas in the Mist!
Chihuahuas in the Mist!
Chihuahua in the East
Chihuahua in the East

Caring is Creepy.

Caring is Creepy by The Shins is one of my all-time favourite songs. It’s a unique composition of melodies and timing and is lyrically, beautiful. I love songs where the lyrics are not replicated as a chorus and instead, forms a complete story with a start and end. Poetry in music is so rare today.

I’ve included a youtube link below, no video, just the song.

sidenote: The Shins comes under sub pop, which is always cool, harking back my love for 90’s music from sub pop.


Caring Is Creepy – The Shins

I think I’ll go home and mull this over 
Before I cram it down my throat 
At long last it’s crashed, it’s colossal mass 
Has broken up into bits in my moat. 

Lift the mattress off the floor 
Walk the cramps off 
Go meander in the cold 
Hail to your dark skin 
Hiding the fact you’re dead again 
Undeneath the power lines seeking shade 
Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason 

It’s a luscious mix of words and tricks 
That let us bet when you know we should fold 
On rocks I dreamt of where we’d stepped 
And of the whole mess of roads we’re now on. 

Hold your glass up, hold it in 
Never betray the way you’ve always known it is. 
One day I’ll be wondering how 
I got so old just wondering how 
I never got cold wearing nothing in the snow. 

This is way beyond my remote concern 
Of being condescending 
All these squawking birds won’t quit. 
Building nothing, laying bricks.


I long to paint again.

I have been living back home for a little more than 6 months now – how time flies. Needless to say, it’s been hard fitting my life from a whole apartment into one room. My personality has been boxed and stored. I miss having the freedom of the easel constantly sitting the living room, waiting to be used. Well, the desire is far too big to constrain now. I’m going to have to bust it out this weekend – where I have no clue, maybe the stairwell.

I wanted to remember my 2 favourite artists.


Pablo Picasso

I love so much of Picasso’s work – his breadth of work always amazes me and I especially love the way he depicts the women in his life and his openness towards his current feelings towards them. He was notoriously quirky with conspiracy theories but which great artist isn’t marginally loony? My favourite painting from him heralds from the “cubism” era – The Guitar Player. I love the analytical nature of the art which blends deconstruction with art. I also appreciate the monochromatic appeal – the inflexibility of using only one colour – forcing creativity to present itself in other ways.


Wassily Kandinsky

I think it’s only logical for me to enjoy Kandinsky’s work once he moved into the Bauhaus era – given my design passion for good grid design – I love the simple notion of shapes being completely distorted and reshaped into art. There is so much power and emotion coming from simple lines and shapes – it’s amazing.

Lord, I need to put some time aside for art. Even though I’m positively crap at it and the only piece I’ve ever truly loved was “The Blue Piece” that is now sitting in the store-room. I was planning to give it to Sim and Sam but Dad has expressed an interest in hanging it in the TV room. Usually, I sulk throughout painting, berate myself at the end of it and almost have a complete nervous breakdown. A day later, I may or may not like it. But “The Blue Piece” (which I hated and thought was completely stupid once I was done) completely grew on me and as a result, didn’t suffer the fate of getting painted over.
