Ok, so it’s no secret that I lack the commitment gene.
I am not one of those girly girls who listen to love songs, doodle their lovers names or dream of the perfect fairytale wedding. I am the Underground boot-stompin, drummer chick who used to write short stories about cannibalism and the only wedding dress I ever remember and admired was the one Stephanie Seymour wore in the November Rain video. I still think it’s a lovely dress, minus the early 90’s pouffy sleeves.

The simple truth is – it’s not even about relationships. It’s about me. I chose Starhub cable, not for its swift internet access (what horseshit speed) but because it offered the shortest contract – 6 months. Even though you can get nifty gadgets for signing up on the 2 year contract, the idea of signing up for anything before 6 months is unforeseeable, stifling and just way beyond my planning radar.
Same for my mobile phone – I would rather pay more to get the phone than sign up for a longer contract.
And the big question behind my whole twisted logic is: What if I want to change my mind? This is a question is burnt into my brain (and the brains of other like minded commitment phobes out there, I’m sure) about everything I do. It reared its ugly head yesterday when I was contemplating buying a fitness package.
I have all the imaginable qualities one might need to purchase a fitness package:
- The money to buy it
- The will to exercise (I have recently started a Monday dance class and want more)
- The accessibility to where I live – 2 train stops and I’m there
- The classes I’m interested in (low impact aerobics – very Olivia Newton John’s “Physical” – and yoga)
- The time to do it (with constant dog-sitters for Dolce)
- The extra kilograms to sacrifice
And yet, I froze.
The minute those words (“So, would you like to buy the 12 month package?”) came out of the salesgirl’s mouth, I felt the oh-so-familiar clamming of my throat and the urge to cardio-motor my ass outta there. And my verbatim response of, “I’ll think about it” popped out and she looked puzzled because my enthusiasm literally went from Hero to Zero in a nano-second. Short of expressing my commitment problems to the Amore Fitness salesgirl, I mumbled some excuse and fled the scene (with a quick contemplation of solace KFC).
So, it’s come down to: the 12 month package (in toto, about $750, equating to $15 a class – or as Liz said, “That’s a bag!”) or the 3 month package ($370, equating to $30 a class). So, now, it costs more to be this commitment phobic. Shouldn’t we be applauded for our open precaution and trepidation?
On the more positive side on commitment, I have already made appointments for a MAC makeover and hair styling in February. I have completed a health screening test (thanks to Mum for the wonderful gift), which included my first ever blood test (nothing creepy or painful about it at all!) and I have finally realised that self-tweezing of eyebrows is not that bad. The next thing to do is get on track to get my driver’s license and who knows, 2009 might actually be a productive year.
Of course, it’s only January.